Daniel Sarkodie Duah Shares Insights on Insurtech: The Future of Insurance in Ghana

Daniel Sarkodie Duah Shares Insights on Insurtech: The Future of Insurance in Ghana

We congratulate our Transformation & Partnerships Manager, Daniel Sarkodie Duah, on the publication of his article on insurtech in Ghana in the Business & Financial Times (B&FT). In this thought-provoking piece, Daniel explores the transformative power of insurtech in the Ghanaian insurance industry and highlights the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Daniel’s article delves into the current state of the insurance industry in Ghana, where traditional insurance processes often involve extensive paperwork, manual tasks, and lengthy turnaround times. He argues that insurtech, with its innovative technologies and streamlined processes, has the potential to revolutionize the industry and address longstanding challenges.

Despite the potential, Daniel notes that insurtech growth in Ghana faces several hurdles, including low insurance penetration, infrastructure challenges, regulatory hurdles, low awareness and trust, cultural and behavioral factors, and market fragmentation. However, he also offers practical solutions to overcome these obstacles, such as increasing awareness and education, making insurance more accessible, and improving regulation and infrastructure.

The article is backed by compelling data and statistics, showcasing the rapid growth of insurtech globally and the increasing adoption of digital technologies in Ghana. Daniel’s expertise and knowledge in the insurance industry shine through in this well-researched and engaging article.

At iRisk Management Limited, we are proud to have Daniel as part of our team, bringing his expertise and passion for insurtech to drive innovation and growth in the Ghanaian insurance industry. His article is a testament to our company’s commitment to thought leadership and our mission to provide innovative insurance and risk management solutions to our clients.

About the Author

Daniel Sarkodie Duah is the Transformation & Partnerships Manager at iRisk Management Limited, with over half a decade of experience in the Ghanaian insurance industry. He holds a Diploma in Insurance from the Ghana Insurance College, ALX, and is a Google Certified Professional Data Analyst. Daniel is also a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute Ghana and has a proven track record of driving innovation and growth in the insurance sector.

Read the full article here: https://thebftonline.com/2024/04/15/could-insurtech-overtake-traditional-insurance/

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